New Work for Goodwich

I love what you did with my site. You really understood my business and what I wanted to say to the world.
– Kate Kinne, Goodwich founder

Radically simple design

Goodwich is a local Portland sandwich maker with colorful, instantly recognizable packaging gracing their flavor-packed sandwiches. The straightforward one-color-per-flavor design makes it easy to spot Goodwich on a shelves, yet Goodwich was virtually undetectable online. Goodwich was looking for an uncomplicated website that would list their sandwiches and ingredients. Nothing more, nothing less.

As a small, but mighty and growing business, Goodwich had modest time and cost budget. We embraced these constraints and produced a simple, quirky website with a bit of the personality and vigor that we see shining through in owner Kate.

Creating beautiful music

Traditional web development often means creating rounds of Photoshop mockups before jumping in to production. These rounds can be incredibly wasteful as they are pictures on fictional ideals that are not only difficult to emulate, but also fail to capture movement (either on multiple devices or within elements). Designing this way is like writing out a song on paper and then, after every piece has been approved, picking up an instrument and playing it out loud.


We’ve increasingly been motivated to create functional wireframes in HTML and work iteratively on design once layout and functionality is established. For us, this has the same feel as sitting, guitar in hand, and piecing together a song. You might play a melody, write down some notes, and then pick back up your guitar. This approach is not only more organic, but also allows you to test out real version of the site (or song) as you go along. And, the end product shines with the notes of incredibly passionate and inspired design.

Kandace Brigleb

Producer, co-founder of Needmore. Currently residing on the left coast.