Angie’s Scam

I don’t like Angie’s List. It was recommended by a friend, so I decided to give it a try, and started the signup process. Halfway through, they asked me for money. Apparently there is a membership fee, something they don’t bother to mention in any meaningful way on their website.

So I stopped then and there. I’m not interested in paying for that service… I’m perfectly happy with Google and Yelp and Craigslist and other services that are 100% free and arguably more useful. In fact, I went ahead and found a great plumber on Google that same day.

But then it started. A barrage of emails. So last week I managed to find the “unsubscribe” link in the footer, and painstakingly un-checked each and every checkbox on their unsubscribe page. Wow. I didn’t even become a member, and they had subscribed me to two dozen email lists. Thanks Angie’s list!

But wait. Today, another email. How is this possible? I went back to the unsubscribe page, and sure enough, I’m off all the lists. But still they send me emails? What kind of company does this? Should I expect phone calls soon? Or visits to our office??

So I don’t like Angie’s List. I can’t support a company that behaves this way. I don’t particularly like their business model, anyway, and I think people would be better off looking elsewhere!

Raymond Brigleb

Creative Director, dreamer, partner, father, musician, photographer. Has been known to ride the rails. Pulls one heck of a shot.