Twitter Matters

This client offers a service business that shares the same building with Needmore. Many folks in the building are on Twitter, and we “broadcast” to each other by adding a #omcc “hash tag” to our messages. This is a quick, simple, and effective way to talk to the people around us. For example, we decided to invite everyone down for drinks a past Friday, so we sent a quick tweet out. We had a great turnout.

One of my suggestions was that if there was a break in her appointments that she wanted to fill (quickly), she could send out a message to the building offering $10 off if they were willing to use that empty slot in her schedule. This benefits everyone – potential customers would save money, become more aware of her business, and she would be able to spend more time working with clients.

It goes without saying that Twitter is a Big Deal for businesses. I follow a lot of local businesses, and I can tell that many other users nearby do as well. Sometimes a business owner will joke that if they were to start using Twitter, they wouldn’t have time to actually run their business. I think this is a bit disingenuous, since the beauty of Twitter is how little time actually takes to post an update! Saraveza does so all the time; it probably takes one minute to mention the new beer specials for the week, and plenty of folks are interested – and probably come down to taste. That’s a big win for everyone.

Don’t doubt the power of Twitter to help your business. If nothing else, it will surely make it more interesting.

Raymond Brigleb

Creative Director, dreamer, partner, father, musician, photographer. Has been known to ride the rails. Pulls one heck of a shot.