Quick Notes on Google+

Since the recent (and partial) launch of Google+, many of our clients have approached us for advice on setting up brand pages for their business, much as is the common practice with Facebook.

Our advice is to wait. Google has stated that they are coming soon, so we would suggest that you hold out for the real deal. We don’t advise setting up another user account on Google to try to make a business page now, as you will likely run into problems when you want to use actual Business pages.

Trust us on this one. Better to wait. And frankly, few people understand or get much use out of the service yet, so you’re not missing out.

What we do think is a good idea is to go ahead and add the Google +1 button to your pages, alongside the Twitter and Facebook buttons you may already have. It’s a relatively simple change that could start driving traffic and, potentially, helping your ranking in Google.

When we have a more complete picture on Google+ Brand Pages, we’ll be sure to post an update here.

Raymond Brigleb

Creative Director, dreamer, partner, father, musician, photographer. Has been known to ride the rails. Pulls one heck of a shot.