Excellent Font Service!

We’ve been designing a logo for the Stumptown Coffee Roasters 2005 Holiday Blend, “La Reserva de Tostadores,” and I realized right away that the best font to match this graphic was the wonderful Vitrina by Cubanica, a.k.a. Pablo Medina. This font has been a favorite of mine since the Nineties, when it was used often and to great effect by David Carson.

Unfortunately, after purchasing the font, I found that it would not install on my computer. I wrote about my problems to Mr. Medina, and imagine my pleasant surprise when he wrote back almost immediately with some suggestions, and then a few minutes later sent me a newly-created version of the font, which worked without a hitch! Thanks, Pablo, for the great service.

So here’s what the design looks like. Stumptown is notorious for not actually selling their t-shirts, so you might not be able to get your hands on one of those, but you will definitely be able to order the blend itself from their website in the coming months.

Raymond Brigleb

Creative Director, dreamer, partner, father, musician, photographer. Has been known to ride the rails. Pulls one heck of a shot.